A Word from the Authors

The Nîmes Arena – A Roman Amphitheater is a web documentary focussing on the most important Roman monument in Nîmes, which is examined from multiple points of view including the history of sciences and techniques, architecture and construction, with continual insights offered by archeology.

The Nîmes Amphitheater is the best preserved Roman amphitheater in the world.
From its construction to the current restoration work, it has been the scene of the most prestigious artistic structures ever built and the most advanced technologies ever used. As a result, it has repeatedly called on the sciences to study how it was built and how to preserve it for future generations.
The idea then is to have a comprehensive view of how this monument is an essential example of world heritage in terms of the arts, sciences, and technologies.

In addition, we are committed to sharing the results of the most recent and rigorous scientific research about the Amphitheater with everyone. That is why we have chosen to use the web documentary genre, because it enables us to create a resource that is accessible to the greatest number of people, whenever they want and free of charge.
This choice also enables us to use all the resources of still, animated, and interactive images to propose a very visual way of acquiring knowledge that is playful and requires the activie involvement of internauts in their own discovery of information.

Our goal is to transmit complex scientific knowledge in a simple and pleasant way. We hope that you will have as much pleasure in using The Nîmes Arena – a Roman Amphitheather as we have had in creating it.


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With funding from the
DRAC Languedoc Roussillon
Préfet du Languedoc-Roussillon
Investissements d'avenir
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